Our new website is now live!
- Carmen
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- April 6, 2018
Tags: projects website launch branding

I know what you're thinking, that's great, but does that really warrant a blog post?
Work it harder, Make it better, Do it faster, Makes us stronger
And my answer is yes. If you’ve ever had to just think about re-doing your website, you know how overwhelming it can be. It needs to look good, but load fast, it should be easy to navigate, but at the same time interactive. It can take longer to figure out what you want to say with the website than to actually make it happen.
We used to have a simple and to the point website, it was meant to be effective - tell people what we do and how to get in touch with us as quickly as possible, because we're busy and we need to get back to work. You'll have to allow us this short self-praise, but we already know we are good at what we do, it was now time to let others see that too. Sometimes we get so caught up in doing things for others, that we forget to forget to do them for ourselves. When the time came to sit down to look not just at our work, but at how we do it, we knew we had to do display it properly.
At the same time, it was important to us that you get to know us a little bit and put faces to the names. We may have a reputation for being hard working, but we are so much more than that. We can also get creative in our job. Amongst our interests you will find everything from photography and gaming, to running, yoga, reading, music... We're very proud of this one. Everything you see here is our work, design, original production, content, visual elements and all the quirky things and we really enjoyed creating the new website. Who said that work can’t also be fun?
We of course had to celebrate with donuts. You see, donuts are kind of our thing. We have them when we meet a new client, when we need a little pick me up, when we finish a project, and every Friday. It made sense to brew a delicious coffee and grab a fresh scrumptious doughy piece of goodness and smile wide as we pressed the launch button.